Displaying episodes 1 - 25 of 25 in total

The Crazies Don't Help

My health opinions are not main stream, but that doesn't make me one of the crazies.


Now that we are post-pandemic, are we over-doing it just a bit? Are we putting ourselves in danger by being too afraid of germs?

Post Pandemic

This episode looks at our lives in a post-pandemic world. How have we changed and what questions should we be asking.

Science doesn't Lie, but scientists can.

Science is truth. But how that science is interpreted and reported can alter the actual facts and results from a study.

Post COVID - I Survived

My wife and I have both just gone through an episode of COVID. We survived, and are now doing well. In this episode I describe my experiences of what it was like to ha...


I am a lifelong anti-vaxer who is not telling you not to get vaccinated, but I'm also not telling you to get vaccinated.

Numbers Don't Lie

Dr. Bob looks at the raw numbers of cases of COVID-19 verses the percentage of the U.S. population that has received a vaccination and discovers that the numbers do no...

COVID Vaccination?

Should you get the vaccine? There is a lot of passion on both sides of the issue on whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Dr. Bob looks at the issue from a t...

Echo Chamber Healthcare

In today's environment many of us only hearing and see news and information that we already are inclined to agree with. This is dangerous in healthcare as it closes of...

Anxiety - Is there an answer other than meds?

More people are being diagnosed with anxiety and given a drug to deal with it. But what's the end game, and are there alternatives?

Covid-19 Fatigue

Are we experiencing Covid-19 Fatigue? The news is still dominated by this subject. can you be totally immune from Covid?

Happy 125th Birthday Chiropractic - Our History

Most chiropractic patients do not know how chiropractic got started. With the 125th anniversary of the profession, Dr. Bob gives a brief history of how chiropractic go...

Subscription Sickenss

Today sickness is being sold to us as subscription service. Just like you pay for your mobile phone or TV cable, medications are being marketed to us for use for the r...

COVID-19 in the News - Hype or News?

Currently the news cycle is dominated by Covid-19 related stories. Why? Is there and agenda, a conspiracy, or just news? Dr. Bob examines this subject and give objecti...

Health for those without hope with Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt

Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt is a world recognized expert on nerve system interference in the upper neck. This can lead to health issues that were thought to be unhelpable.

COVID-19 Death rate Dropping - Why?

COVID-19 cases are on the rise, but the death rate is dropping. Why? In this episode we look at the possible reasons for this and see of we can spot a silver lining to...

Chiropractor to the Stars and guest on Dr Oz show Dr Michael Smatt

Dr Michael Smatt chiropractor who has taken care of many famous people and has recently appeared on the Dr Oz show.

Professional Athletes Performance - Dr. Lucas Matlock

Dr Lucas Matlock has taken care of many professional athletes with chiropractic care. He discusses how chiropractic has specifically helped athletes perform better tha...

Wake Up Humans with Dr. Steve Judson

Special guest Dr. Steve Judson, author of the book "Wake Up Humans" discusses how people can turn on the power within themselves for a healthier life.

Chiropractic for kids with Dr. Armand Rossi

Dr. Armand Rossi is one of the foremost experts on chiropractic for children. He has taught thousands of chiropractors and shares his knowledge of how chiropractic can...

After Cornoavirus - What's the New Normal going to look like?

After the coronavirus crisis has started to pass, what will be the new normal for our society? Will we have to give up personal freedoms because of knee-jerk reactions...

Holes in Healthcare

Our healthcare system has lots of holes in it. The current pandemic has brought that fact front and center. In this episode we discuss how our healthcare system falls ...

Coronavirus - tragedy, hype and misinformation

The coronavirus is a tragic situation in the making. However, we have seen this story before. Let's separate the hype from the understanding.

Ask Why, Not What

One of the main problems in healthcare is the obsession of asking " what is it?" In this episode we suggest that the more important question is, "Why is it?"

Health Rants Trailer Introduction

Welcome to Health Rants. This trailer introduces you to our show. Follow us as we tackle controversial subjects in health and healthcare.

Robert Braile DC